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Dr. Kim Kirkland

Kim D. Kirkland, Ed.D.



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Dr. Kirkland is an affirmative action consultant for manufacturing, non-profit, high education and service industries.  She is also the retired executive director and Title IX coordinator for Oregon State University's Office of Equal Opportunity and Access. 


In her role at OSU, she was responsible for monitoring compliance with and the prevention of sexual harassment, gender discrimination, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking; oversight of all reports and investigations related to civil rights, Title IX, bullying, ADA, retaliation, and consensual relationship policy violations; informal voluntary resolution strategies and interim support measures; policy development along with associated resolution process and operating procedures; providing reasonable accommodations using the interactive process to academic and professional faculty and classified staff; embedding strategies for increasing the representation of diverse groups in areas of outreach, recruitment, and selection and placement processes and decisions; the development and implementation of Affirmative Action Plans; using climate survey, research and other relevant data to assess and improve campus culture; and the development and delivery of Title IX and other compliance training to all employees.


Prior to OSU, she served for many years as a compliance officer including federal and state equal opportunity and nondiscrimination laws and regulations, conducting faculty salary equity reviews, program reviews on human resources operations, Title IX programs, and small non-profit entities to determine their effectiveness. In addition, she spearheaded business-wide diversity initiatives aimed at increasing the representation of women and minorities in leadership roles through recruitment, promotion (succession planning, training and development), retention programs (mentoring programs/affinity groups), and embedding accountability into performance goals. 


Dr. Kirkland received her B.S. in marketing from the University of Cincinnati; M.Ed. in HRD (Organizational Development) from Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH; her Ed.D. in Leadership Studies from Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH; and is a graduate from the Institute for Management and Leadership in Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. 


Dr. Kirkland is a published author of an organizational book titled “Enough with the Stuff (Something That U Find Frustrating): Strategies for Diffusing Organizational Noise”. 


Dr. Kirkland is also a member of several professional organizations/associations including the American Association for Blacks in Higher Education, American Association for Access, Equity & Diversity, the Society for Human Resource Management, the Consortium of Title IX and Equity Officers, and ATIXA. 

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